
INFO 340 final project

Primary LanguageGo

Welcome to ShelterFindr

Here, you can help find a shelter that best fits your need.

Configuration and Deployment Steps

Setting Up the Database

  1. Clone or download this repository and add it to your GOPATH if necessary.
  2. Install Heroku command line tools.
  3. Create a new Postgres database from Heroku's Dashboard > Databases.
  4. Copy the Psql command from "Connection Settings." It should look like heroku pg:psql --app [DATABASE]. This command will open a psql shell to your database.
  5. Set up tables and indices. The ddl.sql file contains SQL statements to create 22 tables with their columns and 8 indices. Pipe the file to the psql command. It should resemble: cat ddl.sql | heroku pg:psql --app [DATABASE]
  6. Press enter and the command will execute. If successful, it should output 22 lines of CREATE TABLE followed by 8 lines of CREATE INDEX. Make note of any errors and adjust your ddl.sql accordingly. If you need to start over, DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA public; will give you a fresh slate.
  7. Find your DATABASE_URL in your Connection Settings for your database on Heroku's dashboard. Copy this URL. You will need it to connect your GO app to your database.

Deploying the Application Locally

  1. Create a file in your cloned repo named .env and containing the line DATABASE_URL=[YOUR-URL-HERE].
  2. From a terminal, navigate to your repo's cmd/lab7, and run go install
  3. From your repo's root directory, run heroku local
  4. Open an HTML page of your app in a browser and it should work.

Deploying the Application on Heroku

  1. From Heroku's dashboard, create a new app. Set your app name (hereafter app-name) and runtime.
  2. While the app is being created, you can run heroku login in a terminal and authenticate.
  3. You copied your DATABASE_URL earlier--hopefully it's still on your clipboard. Go to Heroku's dashboard, navigate to app-name's settings, and in the config vars, create a variable DATABASE_URL and set it to the URL you copied.
  4. Navigate to your repo's root directory and run heroku git:remote -a app-name
  5. You can now push your code up to the Heroku app with git push heroku master.
  6. After you've pushed your code, you can open your app with heroku open or by visiting http://app-name.herokuapp.com/


Eduard Grigoryan, Megh Vakharia, and Brittney Hoy

