This project is to develop a planning search agent to solve an Air Cargo transport system with various methods in Planning and Search field then compare the results of thoes methods.
This project has 2 parts:
Given 3 different problems with their conditions and goals in Air Cargo domain, I implemented methods and functions to satisfy each problem's goal in
then experimented thoes problem with different types of search, including uniform search, depth-first search, and breadth-first search, then wrote an anlysis of each experiment in heuristics_analysis.pdf
Problems in part 1 are modified to be more leaxed with method AirCargoProblem.h_ignore_preconditions
and are solved with Planning Graph with automatic heuristic in
In contrast of part 1, part 2 use A* search for planning graph, the results are report in heuristics_analysis.pdf
: include problem statements in Air Cargo Domain and methods and functions for part 1 of the
: Planning Graph heuristic for part 2 of Air Cargo Domain.heuristic_analysis.pdf
: Report results and provide analysis of part 1 and part 2 of this project.researh_review.pdf
: Review of planning and search methods including STRIPS, UCPOP, and Planning Graph.