
Scripts for video recognition

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Scripts for video recognition



Test acc = video classification accuracy on the UCF-101 [1] test set (split 1), %

Models fine tuned on single video frames

Model, fine tuning layers Test acc Parameters
VGG-16, last layer 73.6 default
VGG-16, fc layers 76.5 default
VGG-16, fc layers 77.0 dropout=0.8
VGG-16, fc layers 77.3 dropout=0.8, weight decay=5e-4
VGG-16, all layers 75.3 batch size=32, max_iter=40k, step_size=20k
ResNet-50, last layer 76.5 weight decay=5e-4
ResNet-50, all layers 79.5 batch size=32, max_iter=step_size=20k, weight decay=5e-4
ResNet-50, last layer 78.5 pool5 layer modified, weight decay=5e-4
ResNet-50, last layer 79.4 pool5 layer modified, weight decay=5e-4, dropout=0.5
ResNet-50, all layers     80.4 (81.4)* batch size=32, max_iter=step_size=20k, pool5 layer modified, weight decay=5e-4, dropout=0.5
*all video frames used for prediction (be default only 25 frames with stride 3 are used for prediction)

Models fine tuned on sequences of video frames

Model, fine tuning layers Test acc Parameters
ResNet-50, LSTM+last layer (code) 71.7 (73.1) 512 units in LSTM, 25 frames for training, 25 (75) frames for prediction
ResNet-50, bnorm+LSTM+last layer (code) 74.0 512 units in LSTM, 25 frames for training, 75 frames for prediction

Other works

Model, fine tuning layers Test acc*
CNN-M-2048, last layer 72.7 [2]
Improved DT+FV 85.9 [3]
State of the art 95.6 [4]
*accuracy averaged over 3 splits in some works


[1] UCF101: A Dataset of 101 Human Action Classes From Videos in The Wild, 2012

[2] Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition in Videos, 2014

[3] Action recognition with improved trajectories, 2013

[4] Deep Temporal Linear Encoding Networks, 2016