
Multitask is a Python script that enables concurrent execution of maintenance tasks on multiple remote servers.

Primary LanguagePython


Multitask is a Python script that allows you to run various maintenance tasks on multiple remote servers concurrently using asyncio and paramiko.


To use Multitask, you'll need to have Python 3.7 or higher installed on your system. You can download Python from the official website: https://www.python.org/downloads/

To install the dependencies for Multitask, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Multitask provides several functions for running maintenance tasks on remote servers:

  • ssh_connect(hostname, username, password): Connects to an SSH server with the given hostname, username, and password, and returns a paramiko.SSHClient object.
  • update_packages(ssh): Updates the packages on the remote server by running the apt-get update and apt-get upgrade commands.
  • install_package(ssh, package_name): Installs the specified package on the remote server using the package manager.
  • run_tasks_on_servers(servers, tasks): Runs the specified tasks on each of the given servers concurrently.
To use these functions, you can create a Python script that imports them and calls them as needed. For example:
import asyncio
from multitask import ssh_connect, update_packages, install_package, run_tasks_on_servers

async def main():
    # Connect to the remote servers
    server1 = await ssh_connect('example.com', 'user1', 'password1')
    server2 = await ssh_connect('example.org', 'user2', 'password2')

    # Define the tasks to run on the remote servers
    tasks = [
        lambda ssh: update_packages(ssh),
        lambda ssh: install_package(ssh, 'nginx'),
        lambda ssh: install_package(ssh, 'python3'),

    # Run the tasks on the remote servers
    servers = [server1, server2]
    await run_tasks_on_servers(servers, tasks)

    # Close the SSH connections


This script connects to two remote servers, updates the packages, and installs the nginx and python3 packages on both servers concurrently using the run_tasks_on_servers function.


Multitask comes with a test suite that can be run using the unittest module. To run the tests, simply execute the following command in your terminal:

python -m unittest discover tests

This will run all of the test cases in the tests directory and output the results.


Multitask is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


If you'd like to contribute to Multitask, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. We welcome bug fixes, feature requests, and other contributions.