
Awesome vimrc

Primary LanguageVim Script

Benji's vim config

Adapted from Ricky Mondello, Marshal Moutenot, and Phil Tang


This is the vim file that I use for all of my vim configurations. Some key features are:

  • Tab complete support for various file types
  • Sunburst and Peaksea color schemes
  • Added mouse support for vim in terminal
  • Intuitive file navigation
  • Much more... See vimrc for specifics

Thanks to Mike, this project uses Pathogen, a nice way of maintaining vim plugins. Among the included plugins are NERD Tree, a file explorer, and Snipmate, a way of bringing Textmate-style snippets to vim.


cd ~
cp -r .vim .vim-backup
git clone https://github.com/bkoltai/bkolta-vim.git
mv bkoltai-vim .vim
ln .vim/vimrc .vimrc

That should be it!