Cheerlights running with an Arduino + Arduino Ethernet Shield + Shiftbrite. Required: Arduino 1.0 IDE Arduino Duemilanove with ATmega328 or Arduino Uno. Must have the ATmega328 due to Flash and RAM. Arduino Ethernet Shield ShiftBrite Important constants: numberSB is the number of ShiftBrites on the chain. datapin = DI on the ShiftBrite latchpin = LI on the ShiftBrite enablepin = EI on the ShiftBrite clockpin = CI on the ShiftBrite redlevel, greenlevel, bluelevel is for setting the output level for each channel on the ShiftBrite stepdivisor is what to divide the number of steps by to adjust the fade stepdelay is how much of a delay between steps on the fade thingSpeakInterval is how often in ms to contact Thing Speak to get the current color One note, if you say there's less ShiftBrites on the chain than there really is, it'll look strange. Also, I have not tested it with more than 2 ShiftBrites, but I should.