- 0
UPDATE: New plugin available
#92 opened by orkun1675 - 0
Exception when using the plugin
#90 opened by tchouaffe - 2
Geofence notification Issue
#78 opened by ozzi0032 - 5
Not work in release mode
#88 opened by vovaklh - 1
Dart Error: Dart _LookupLibrary
#87 opened by vovaklh - 1
Geofencing event not showing nothing
#79 opened by KuroBech - 3
Update Geofencing in Callback method
#86 opened by nguyenphuc1995 - 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
Failed to add geofence error
#80 opened by hundredball - 1
[Android] No Entry Event
#39 opened by SergejDK - 6
- 5
iOS callback not working
#68 opened by archithakkar21 - 1
Unresolved reference: GeofencingService
#56 opened by Tedsterh - 0
[Question] What exactly do promoteToForeground() and demoteToBackground() do?
#75 opened by evanblasband - 0
ReceivePort in Project Example is not working
#76 opened by ixsans - 1
- 1
Other plugins method channel can't work
#74 opened by majingAragon - 3
- 6
Updating project to AndroidX breaks build
#29 opened by cdewhurst - 4
sPluginRegistrantCallback has not been initialized
#46 opened by niypoo - 2
- 1
- 1
A way to keep the geofence manager alive after app termination
#58 opened by MahmoudEzzatAbdul-Rahman - 1
- 4
Example app: on IOS: uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'failed to set registerPlugins'
#38 opened by AlexanderUsselmann - 6
- 0
IllegalStateException in GeofencingService
#60 opened by JFreakDK - 0
Why create mContext in GeoFencingService?
#59 opened by spitfire55 - 1
[Android]: GeofenceEvent.exit called upon creation of geofence even when user is not close to geofence
#54 opened by elouiestudent - 0
- 1
Library Crashing when running in iOS
#50 opened by toniree - 4
- 0
- 1
- 1
Can you add a license?
#42 opened by 6bangs - 5
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'failed to set registerPlugins'
#35 opened by marcolettieri - 14
MissingPluginException on hot restart
#26 opened by tashiwangdi - 1
Include this plugin in a Plugin
#31 opened by marcolettieri - 0
- 1
- 1
how do I add this to my project
#30 opened by alprde - 1
Example app couldn't be executed.
#27 opened by r-yanyo - 1
- 1
Methods marked with @UiThread must be executed on the main thread. Current thread: AsyncTask #4
#18 opened by ssharma055 - 1
- 1
- 1
The Android Gradle plugin supports only Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.2.51 and higher. Project 'geofencing' is using version 1.2.30.
#23 opened by mustafal - 1
App crashes on iOS Simulator on hot restart
#24 opened by JFreakDK