Markdown Templates for a task-targeted personal knowledge database.
These templates are to function as a practical problem-solution lookup with each solution including
- use case
- assumptions
- example
- code example
- references (internal links)
- library refs
Provided templates
- problem domain type (structure note)
- problem type
- solution type
- object / concept type (structure or base type)
General workflow:
- find note corresponding to the type/topic the problem with which you are struggling resides (search topics in UU-problem-type or specific note with type:structure, ie U-problem-type note)
- within U-problem-type find specific problem-note corresponding to the specific difficulty you are facing: this will be type:problem (base level)
- to each problem-note will correspond blocks representing contexts or assumptions. This dictates the linked solution note: each with ways to solve the relevant problem and related references (concept, implementation, reference texts etc)
** Cheat Sheet on Note Types:**
- top level structure note for general problem topics are of type:structure/UU and have titles of form UU-title. (example "UU-model-generalization")
- More specific sub-type of the given problem are of type:structure/U with titles of form U-title ("U-overfitting”)
- lists to go through in creating notes which like a container briefly hold thoughts are “buffer” notes: §-title
** The following are base level notes:**
- type:problem
- type:solution notes ("L1 regularization for overfitting")
- type:object ("penalty term") are reference terms and objects.
** front matter cheat sheet:**
I have valid (obsidian) Yaml followed by valid json for extra metadata parsing.
I like the ability to always create online flash cards just with :: so flashcards is always tagged in case I use it.
—— alias:
- title
- id (YYMMDDHHmm)
- a1
- a2
tags: for me tags are used for obsidian plug-in hot-keys
- todo
- flashcards ——
{ json: “extra metadata to parse, K2: “…”, … }
If you have a Job / Training focus
Taylor the problem types to what you exoect to encounter at your job.
focus on what might take you too much time to hunt for solutions in real-time.
be sure examples are well annotated
include references to relevant functions in associated libraries
Flow: problem type -> problem -> solution under assumptions -> examples
I hope these are helpful