
Secured Data Storage on Amazon S3

Primary LanguageJava

SEARCHABLE AMAZON S3 Cloud Security Project:-

Project Team Members(3) : Koteshwar Reddy Busi, Parasuramji Rajendran, Mohankumar Dhayalan.

Folders List: 

1] DOC Folder - For all documentations [Project Description, Demo(Screenshots)]

2] src Folder - To find Source Code for all the Classes.

3] bin Folder - List of Class files used in this project.

4] Lib Folder - List of all Jar files needed for this project.

5] Other Supported Files - List of Files used in the projects.

To run the Project : 

1] Import the Class files to Eclipse Project. 

2] Add all the Jar files to the Project Build Path.

3] Copy the masterpassword.txt and stopWords.txt tt project Source folder.

3] Execute.