
An Express middleware module that will redirect user HTTP requests that contain uppercase letters, to the same URL converted to lowercase, without modifying query parameters.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Very similar to the unmaintained project express-uncapitalize, this middleware redirects any requests which contain uppercase chars to their lowercase forms. With two main changes from the original:

  1. Works with all utf-8 strings in paths
  2. Keeps query parameters intact


npm install express-lowercase-paths-with-status-code


var lowercasePaths = require("express-lowercase-paths-with-status-code")


Redirecting with specific status code

To redirect with a specific status code, pass the redirectStatusCode option to the middleware:

var lowercasePaths = require("express-lowercase-paths-with-status-code")
app.use(lowercasePaths({redirectStatusCode: 301}))