
Demo/Debug application for react-d3-tree

This auxilliary demo repo has been archived and is no longer maintained.
This demo now lives in the react-d3-tree repo's /demo directory.

Dev environment setup

react-d3-tree library

  1. Clone the react-d3-tree library to your local machine: git clone
  2. Run yarn or npm install
  3. Run yarn/npm link


  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. cd react-d3-tree-demo
  3. Run yarn or npm install
  4. Run yarn/npm link react-d3-tree
  5. You should see a confirmation that node_modules/react-d3-tree has been symlinked to your local copy.

Running locally (+ hot reloading)

  1. Set up 2 terminal windows, one in the react-d3-tree-demo directory, the other in react-d3-tree.
  2. To continously build the library, use yarn build:watch in the react-d3-tree directory.
  3. To automatically re-build the demo in response changes in react-d3-tree, use yarn dev in the react-d3-tree-demo directory.
  4. Any changes made to the demo app or the library should now automatically rebuild the library and reload the app with the fresh build (via nodemon).