
Jekyll based static website which imitates the WhatsApp WebApp while serving as a blog to present chat conversations.

Primary LanguageHTML

Static Chat Blog

How to

Make sure that you are allowed to contribute to the given project before heading over to prose.io/[github-username][repository-name].


├── _data
|   └── about.yml
|       contains the general information about the website like name, social
|       media links or the about section
├── _posts
|   └── contains all chat members in a individual file, as well as the
|       group conversations. Check out the yaml structure below to find out
|       which fields you could enter with some information
└── media
    ├── images
    |   default directory where all chat images are stored
    └── profil_pic
        directory where all profil pictures are stored

Add a new conversation

  1. Head over to http://prose.io/#\[github-username]/[repository-name]

  2. switch to _posts

  3. Use the button in the upper right corner to create a new blogpostnew

  4. Take a look at the section in head of the new site and change your-filename of _posts/2016-06-11-your-filename.md to your title of the site.
    title DON'T change the _post/ or the actual date 2016-06-11 part

  5. If you'd like to show a About section in the Info are of your chat conversation you could now enter the desired text in the area below. Otherwise please delet the placeholder text. content

  6. menu_yaml Use the marked button to open up the settings section where you could add a all of the needed information for the individual chat view as well as the actual conversation.

  7. Fill the form yamlI

    title description
    contact name the full name you would like to display in the head of your conversation (full name of the participant)
    user identifier a short identifier you would like to use in the chat conversation
    date automatically added (there is normaly no need to change the given value)
    status if you'd like to show a user status
    profil picture the name of the pic you added in the media/profil_pic directory (e.g. name.jpg)


    title description
    twitter add a link for twitter
    facebook add a link for facebook
    instagram add a link for instagram
    Fake Conversation toggle this if you'd like to show off a made up chat in which you aren't a member of the conversation (switches left-right of chat bubbles for every user and shows names)
    Members of Conversations | Groupchat add participants if the showed off conversation is a group chat. Use the user identifier to add new participants and make sure that the corresponding individual chat page is already created


    title description
    raw metadata add the actual chat history (check out format below)

    for example

       - 10.06.2016, 20:15 - UserA - Hey, my dear friend. How are you?
       - 10.06.2016, 20:17 - UserB - Thank you very much UserA. I am finde, what about you?
  8. After entering all your content and updating your blog successfully you just need to safe the new post. Click on the floppy disk symbol and "commit" your update.

  9. You're done! :)

Additional information

Upload a image

To upload a image go to any possible blog post in your _post section and click on the framed picture in the text formatting bar.

Use the selecting one option to choose the desired image and keep the path that will show up in the Image URL if the picture is an image that should be presented in the chat history. upload Select INSERT, remember the name of the picture and delete the upshowing text in the main text area. Head over to the chat history and add the picture name in the following format:



- 10.06.2016, 20:15 - UserA - img funny_cat.jpg

If you'd like to upload a profile picture use the same way, but change the path of the uploading directory from media/images to media/profil_pic. Dont't forget to delete the appearing text after you click INSERT and include the name of the picture (e.g. my_face.jpg) in the profil picture settings field afterwards. and don't forget to save with a COMMIT after you did some changes

Add some specific data to your site

The _data section in your blog allows you to add some data like the name or some social media links to your site.


title description
title the title of the website
about some content that describes your blog
facebook facebook link
twitter twitter link
instagram instagram link
profil_pic add the profit_pic like explained above
tooltip_left the text that gets displayed if you move your mouse above the little messaging symbol in the upper left corner
tooltip_right the text that gets displayed if you move your mouse above the little paperclip symbol in the upper right corner


  • your chat conversations won't show up in your chat list on the left hand side if there are no messages in the chat history