_____                       _           _      _____                 __   ___  
  / ____|                     | |         | |    / ____|               /_ | / _ \ 
 | (___  _ __   __ _ _ __  ___| |__   ___ | |_  | (_____   _____  __   _| || | | |
  \___ \| '_ \ / _` | '_ \/ __| '_ \ / _ \| __|  \___ \ \ / / __| \ \ / | || | | |
  ____) | | | | (_| | |_) \__ | | | | (_) | |_   ____) \ V | (__   \ V /| || |_| |
 |_____/|_| |_|\__,_| .__/|___|_| |_|\___/ \__| |_____/ \_/ \___|   \_/ |_(_\___/ 
                    | |                                                           

-System changes:
  root crontab:
    0 22 2 * * /usr/bin/yum update -y;reboot
  logrotate configuration:

-User changes:
  User's crontab:
    0 6 * * * /home/ec2-user/snap-running-instances.sh
    0 1 * * * /home/ec2-user/delete-expired-snapshots.sh
    insert the following lines:
      output: table
  Shell Scripts:
      This script is called indirectly by snap-running-instances.sh in order to fetch
      a list of running instances.
      This script is not used in AMR-np - a manual list is used instead since
      snapshots aren't part of the SLA for DEVTEST.
      This script:
        snapshots all volumes of all running instances
        tags the snapshots as daily, weekly, or monthly
          1st of the month is tagged monthly
          Sunday is tagged weekly
          everything else is tagged daily
      This scripts cleans up expired snapshots according to date + description:
        deletes "Daily*" snapshots older than 7 days
        deletes "Weekly*" snapshots older than 8 weeks
        deletes "Monthly*" snapshots older than three months
        deletes all snapshots older than 12 months
      TODO: This script should probably use tags rather than descriptions
  log directory:
      records the execution timestamp, volume-id, and the description of each snapshot
      created by  ~/snap-running-instances.sh
      Records the execution timestamp, snapshot-created timestamp, unix timestamp, and
      snapshot-id of each snapshot deleted.
        I recommend updating the delete-snapshot command with "--dry-run" when making
        changes to this script.
      Occasionally, snapshots will not delete because they are attached to an AMI.
      This is intended behavior.  An administrator will need to manually deregister
      the AMI in order to delete the snapshot.
      This is a list of AMIs that I generated from the log file so I could remove
      AMIs older than 12 months.
      I used the code below:
        ID=`grep ami- log/deleted_snapshots.log | cut -f3 -d'-'`;while IFS= read -r name; \
        do echo "ami-"$name;done <<<"$ID" > delete_these_amis.txt; \
        AMIS=`cat delete_these_amis.txt`;while IFS= read -r ami;do echo $ami; \
        aws ec2 deregister-image --image-id $ami --dry-run;done <<< "$AMIS"