
Pretty error dumper for PHP

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Pretty error dumper for PHP

ErrorDumper has been moved to awesomite/error-dumper, please use new repository.


  • PHP >= 5.3 (also 7.0 is supported)
  • no dependencies
  • for nicer dump of variables you can add symfony/var-dumper to project


100% code coverage with PHPUnit.


If you use composer

Add bkrukowski/error-dumper to dependencies.

In other cases

Add below code to project:

$pathToLib = 'here put path to error-dumper library';
include $pathToLib . 'src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.inc.php';


[Unsafe] Below code is enough:


[Safe] But you should write something like this (because all variables like credentials are visible, when exception or error occur)

if ($isInTestEnvironment)
    \ErrorDumper\Magic::registerErrorCallback(function ($e) {
        /** @var \Exception|\Throwable $e */
        // save error somewhere, for example:
        // $output = \ErrorDumper\Magic::exportExceptionToLightHtml($exception);
        // \Foo\MyErrorStorage::addHtmlError($output);


Numbers of lines and names of files are clickable, but you have to set proper editor. Default editor is PhpStorm. If you use something else, put edtor object as argument in registerErrorDumper method.

\ErrorDumper\Magic::registerErrorDumper(new \ErrorDumper\Editors\MacVim());

Supported editors

  • MacVim
  • PhpStorm
  • TextMate


Using below code, you can save exception somewhere and display it later:

$output = \ErrorDumper\Magic::exportExceptionToLightHtml($exception);

Adding custom information to snapshots

From version 2.3.0 there is special constant ErrorDumper\Dumpers\Html::TAG_UNDER_TITLE. You can put under title whatever you want using str_replace function.

Handle only exceptions

You can choose type of errors to handling. Methods

  • ErrorDumper\Magic::registerErrorDumper
  • ErrorDumper\Magic::registerErrorCallback
  • ErrorDumper\Handlers\RegisterErrorHandler::register

have optional argument $errorTypes, default is equal ErrorDumper\Handlers\RegisterErrorHandler::TYPE_ALL. This value is equal result of binary multiplication of constants ErrorDumper\Handlers\RegisterErrorHandler::TYPE_*. If you want handle only errors, you should put here ErrorDumper\Handlers\RegisterErrorHandler::TYPE_ERRORS | ErrorDumper\Handlers\RegisterErrorHandler::TYPE_SHUTDOWN_ERRORS.



Preview exception


Preview arguments