
CMS with basic admin panel (both authentication & authorization)

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a Laravel based generic content management system (CMS) which is integrated with AdminLTE for UI part. The features are very basic and it only serves for the purpose of saving you from doing some boilerplate coding.

For the time of writing, the following features are included:

1. Installation

– Download the latest stable version:
composer create-project --prefer-dist bkstar123/bkscms <your-project>

– To download the dev-master branch (unstable):
composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability dev bkstar123/bkscms <your-project>

Update .env file with the necessary key/value settings such as database, queue, mail, google recaptcha and so on.

– Install BKSCMS project:

cd <your project>  
php artisan bkscms:install

Visit the application in browsers and log in to it with the credentials superadmin/superadmin1@. Then, create a real user and assign it with superadmins role. Finally, disable the default superadmin & administrator user for security reason.