
Provides neccessary utilities for a BKSCMS project

For creating a BKSCMS project, run the following command:
composer create-project --prefer-dist bkstar123/bkscms <your-project>

1. Requirement

It is recommended to install this package with PHP version 7.1.3+ and Laravel Framework version 5.6+

2. Installation

composer require bkstar123/bkscms-utilities

Then, publish the package's configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Bkstar123\BksCMS\Utilities\Providers\UtilitiesServiceProvider

3. Usage

Currently, this package provides two helpers which can be used in a BKSCMS project:

  • MenuHelper
  • CrudViewHelper

3.1 MenuHelper

After publishing the package's configuration file, you will get config/bkstar123_bkscms_sidebarmenu.php where you can a nested array which will then be converted to the content of the CMS side bar menu.

The initial array is as follows:

 * Menu array
 * Each link component consists of 'name', 'path', 'icon', 'children' keys
 * 'name', 'path', 'icon' are of string type, 'children' is of array type
 * 'path' for an expandable link should be '#'
return [
        'name' => 'Dashboard',
        'path' => '/cms/dashboard',
        'icon' => 'fas fa-tachometer-alt',
        'name' => 'Admin Managment',
        'path' => '#',
        'icon' => 'far fa-user',
        'children' => [
                'name' => 'Admins',
                'path' => '/cms/admins',
                'icon' => 'fa fa-users',
                'name' => 'Create Admin',
                'path' => '/cms/admins/create',
                'icon' => 'fa fa-user-plus',

        'name' => 'Role Managment',
        'path' => '#',
        'icon' => 'fa fa-certificate',
        'children' => [
                'name' => 'Roles',
                'path' => '/cms/roles',
                'icon' => 'fa fa-user-circle',
                'name' => 'Create Role',
                'path' => '/cms/roles/create',
                'icon' => 'fa fa-plus',

        'name' => 'Permission Managment',
        'path' => '#',
        'icon' => 'fa fa-universal-access',
        'children' => [
                'name' => 'Permissions',
                'path' => '/cms/permissions',
                'icon' => 'fa fa-ship',
                'name' => 'Create Permission',
                'path' => '/cms/permissions/create',
                'icon' => 'fa fa-plus',

name, path are mandatory, whereas icon, children are optional

3.2 CrudViewHelper

Its purpose is to ensure the consistency in all views of your BKSCMS project by offering the following view piece:

  • php CrudView::checkAllBox(string $color = '')
    Create a check-all button to check all view items, where $color can be primary, danger, success, warning, info, secondary, dark, light

  • php CrudView::checkBox(Model $resource, string $color = '')
    Create a check button next to each item, where $color can be primary, danger, success, warning, info, secondary, dark, light, $resource is the item instance

  • php CrudView::activeStatus(Model $resource, string $followRoute, string $color = '', string $text = '')
    Create a button showing a active status, where $color can be primary, danger, success, warning, info, secondary, dark, light, $resource is the item instance, $followRoute is the route to be directed to after clicking the button, $text is the text inside the button

  • php CrudView::disabledStatus(Model $resource, string $followRoute, string $color = '', string $text = '')
    Create a button showing a disable status, where $color can be primary, danger, success, warning, info, secondary, dark, light, $resource is the item instance, $followRoute is the route to be directed to after clicking the button, $text is the text inside the button

  • php CrudView::removeAllBtn(string $followRoute, string $color = '', string $text = '')
    Create a button for removing all checked items, where $color can be primary, danger, success, warning, info, secondary, dark, light, $followRoute is the route to be directed to after clicking the button, $text is the text inside the button

  • php CrudView::removeBtn(Model $resource, string $followRoute, string $color = '', string $text = '')
    Create a removal button for each item, where $color can be primary, danger, success, warning, info, secondary, dark, light, $resource is the item instance, $followRoute is the route to be directed to after clicking the button, $text is the text inside the button

  • php CrudView::searchInput(string $searchRoute, string $inputName = 'search')
    Create a text input for searching item, where $searchRoute is the route to be sent to for searching, $inputName is the name of the text input used for searching