Melody Generator Built On Top Of Google's Magenta Designed To Work With The MIMIC Platform.
Full demo with usage here. The demo works with a pre-existing project in the MIMIC platform, but this library can be used with any project on MIMIC.
In Short
MelodyGen bootstraps LearnerJS and MaxiInstrument from the MIMIC research project (more information below) and Google's Magenta. This project is directly built off of MIMIC platform developer Louis Busby's project. The Melody Generator uses Magenta's machine learning technology to generate sequences of notes based off of user input (presets are provided) that are then played by MaxiInstrument.
Set Up
The library works with a standard HTML file with the library attached. The library must be contained in the file directory serving the HTML document, this library is not available through a CDN. Learner.js and MaxiInstrument.js, both developed as part of the MIMIC platform, must also be included.
Attatch the libraries:
<script type='text/javascript' src='./libs/MelodyGen.js'></script>
<script crossorigin src = "./libs/learner.v.0.4.js"></script>
<script crossorigin src = "./libs/maxiInstruments.v.0.7.1.js"></script>
Initiate an MaxiInstrument instance
const instruments = new MaxiInstruments();
The constructor to MelodyGen takes a single argument, options, which should include a checkpoint to the Magenta API.
There are two checkpoints that Magenta exposes:
Once the constructor is called a property called "ready" will be added to the instance of the class. The property is a promise that will load Magenta music library and initialize the model.
A standard start to working with this class in the HTML document, could look something like:
new MelodyGen({checkpoint : '' }).ready.then((MG) => {
instruments.loadModules().then(()=> {
synth = instruments.addSynth();
MG.synth = synth;
There will have to be some additional lines of code added to initiate and run learner. Look at this demo for more information.
Press the button to start
The System
Select A Melody To Start With
Or Upload A New One
The upload button will open a prompt to select a file. Once a proper .midi
file is selected the user will see the file in the dropdown of melodies.
Select a piece of the uploaded MIDI file to work with
Each slider moves one percent at a time. It will start the percentage the start slider is on into the MIDI file and end the percentage into the MIDI file the end slider is at.
- Temperature tells Google's Magenta how far from the original sequence it can diverge, values between 1 and 2 are best. 2 Is very extreme, 1.5 is even pretty extreme. The influence of the original melody is always heard though.
- Step amount is how many quantized steps to make the sequence is.
- Seq repeats is how many times to loop the sequences magenta returns.
- Steps per qn is steps per quarter note, how many quarter notes one step should be. Higher values, usually means slows, good values are evenly divisible by four.
Once A Sequence Is Created From Magenta, MaxiSynth Will Begin Playing The Sequence Looped The Amount of Times Entered In The Seq Repeats Box. The Music Can Then Be Altered In Real Time.
Length controls the length of the sequence. The further to the left the slider is the less notes are played. Notes are removed semi-randomly.
Variation will change the order of the notes. The slider entirely to the left will mean no variation, the slider all the way to the right creates the maximum amount of variation. In order to keep the melody sounding familiar, this only varies the middle 90 percent of notes.
The user can also vary the first five percent of notes to get really crazy. This slider works the same as the variation slider, except on the aforementioned note set.
The user can also vary the last five percent of notes. This slider works the same as the variation slider, except on the aforementioned note set.
The Control Panel At The Bottom Allows Manipulations Of The Sequence of Melodies.
Test will play back the selected segment of the selected melody as is once, so the user can see if it is to the user's liking. It cannot be modulated.
Play Clean plays the selected segment of the selected melody as is, not a Magenta generated sequence, looped and it can be modualted.
Generate uses Magenta to generate a new sequence of notes
Cancel will stop the looping of the sequence and allow the user to generate a new sequence, test or play clean.
Download, will download a text file with the current composition you have created, in case you ever want to use it again