
consolidation script nuke foundry

Primary LanguagePython

Author    : Pmg Lemmen
Company   : Dutchdevelopers
email     : peter@dutchdevelopers.nl
Date      : 13/12/12
Copyright : Peter Mg Lemmen All rights reserved

Consolidate tool for Foundry Nuke.

rename the pyton file to dutchdevscripts.py 
and copy it in the plugins directory

Paste the followin items in menu.py at the end

#Collect Files Menu Node
  collectMenu = nuke.menu("Nodes").addMenu("plemkes consolidator")
  collectMenu.addCommand('make backup ', 'dutchdevscripts.dutchdevscripts()')
  collectMenu.addCommand('Help', 'dutchdevscripts.Help()')
  collectMenu.addCommand('Manual', 'dutchdevscripts.Manual()')

add the following line to init.py
import dutchdevscripts