
Runner for gitlab-ci with a fresh node.js, npm and phantom.js install

Primary LanguageShell


This is docker image based on the Dockerfile provided by gitlabhq. See https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlab-ci-runner/blob/master/Dockerfile by Sytse Sijbrandij sytse@gitlab.com for the original.

Differences from the original:

  • no mysql
  • no postgres
  • no redis
  • current stable node.js with npm, phantom.js, grunt-cli and bower


This image is available as a Trusted Build. Import the build like this:

docker pull codingforce/gitlab-ci-runner-nodejs


Run like this:

% docker run -d \
    -e CI_SERVER_URL=https://ci.example.com \
    -e REGISTRATION_TOKEN=replaceme \
    -e HOME=/root \
    -e GITLAB_SERVER_FQDN=gitlab.example.com \