OpenSCAD module to create a bent cone
Creates a curved cylinder or cone.
Like cylinder() in that d1 and d2 describe two circles at the ends, and they may be different diameters to make a cone rather than a cylinder.
but where the centers of the circles in cylinder() follow a straight line path described by height h,
the centers of the circles in bent_cone() follow an arc path described by radius r and angle a.
r = main arc path radius (max(d1,d2)/2)
a = main arc path angle (90)
d1 = beginning outside diameter (10)
d2 = ending outside diameter (d1)
w1 = beginning wall thickness (0)
w2 = ending wall thickness (w1)
0 = solid object
>0 = hollow tube
p = main arc path alignment relative to the body ("center")
"center" = the main arc defines the center of the tube
"inside" = the main arc defines the concave/inside side of the tube (the tube hugs the outside of a cylinder)
"outside" = the main arc defines the convex/outside side of the tube (the tube hugs the inside of a cylinder)
fn = virtual $fn just for the main arc ($fn, else 36)