Green New Ideal

this or sth else

Technical requirements for JavaScript app

  1. Use Express as a foundation.
  2. Use Mongoose for models and database communication.
  3. Have 2 models or more. Having one for users is a no-brainer. The other one(s) should represent the main functionality of your app. Don’t force it if having more than two models doesn’t make sense.
  4. Have validation on its models with feedback for users if their submission is invalid.
  5. Include sign up, log in & log out functionality with encrypted passwords (and/or social logins) and authorization (logged in users can do extra things).
  6. Have routes for all of CRUD for models other than users. There should have created, read, update, and delete features even if they aren’t all for the same model.
  7. Have a repo on GitHub.
  8. Have at least 1 commit per day that you worked on it.
  9. Be deployed online using Heroku so that anybody could use your app. (10.) Responsive design is not a requirement, but it’s nice to have.


  • A working full-stack application, built by you that runs on a server.
  • A deploy of your app on Heroku.
  • The URL of the GitHub repository for your app.
  • The URL of the live app on the Internet.
  • The URL of the slides for your app’s presentation.
  • You must present your app during Project #2 final presentations (last day of Project #2 time).