
Snapshot your tagged AWS volumes

Primary LanguagePython

AWS Snapshot Tool

AWS snapshot management via CLI.

This AWS snapshotting tool helps you create and delete snapshots for specific volumes within a defined region. More specifically it creates snapshots for any volumes that contain a custom tag with a 'Snapshots': 'true' key/value.

Information will be printed to stdout in a table, such at the ones below:

Snapshot Creation:

$ aws-create-snapshot.py

| Instance Name   |         Volume        |     Snapshot Description     |                       Status                      |
| Instance_A      |       Volume A 1      |     2015-09-05_Volume_A_1    | SUCCESS: The snapshot was initiated successfully. |
| Instance_A      |       Volume A 2      |     2015-09-05_Volume_A_2    | SUCCESS: The snapshot was initiated successfully. |
| Instance_B      |       Volume B 1      |     2015-09-05_Volume_B_1    | SUCCESS: The snapshot was initiated successfully. |
| Instance_C      |       Volume C 1      |     2015-09-05_Volume_C_1    | SUCCESS: The snapshot was initiated successfully. |

Snapshot Deletion:

$ aws-delete-snapshot.py --days 0 --weeks 4
| Source Volume |         Created          |      Snapshot Description      |           Status          |
|  vol-042abb52 | 2015-04-30T03:27:41.000Z |  Example_snapshot_to_delete_1  | SUCCESS: The snapshot was deleted successfully. |
|  vol-61ga7637 | 2015-05-25T01:48:29.000Z |  Example_snapshot_to_delete_2  | SUCCESS: The snapshot was deleted successfully. |
|  vol-296a8b7f | 2015-05-26T19:24:41.000Z |  Example_snapshot_to_delete_3  | SUCCESS: The snapshot was deleted successfully. |

This is a work in progress. Use at your own risk!


In order to use this tool, you must have Python 2.7 installed in addition to the boto and prettytable modules, which you can install by running:

$ pip install boto prettytable

Additionally, any volumes desired to be snapshotted must have the custom tag 'Snapshot' and its value must be 'true'. Any volumes without this tag will be ignored.


This tool utilizes the boto library, and as such, requires the same configuration schema. To learn how to properly create your configuration file, check out the documentation.

To get started quickly your configuration file should be named .boto and reside in your users home directory. i.e. ~/.boto

Place the following in your configuration file, replacing settings as indicated below:

aws_access_key_id = <YOUR-KEY-ID>
aws_secret_access_key = <YOUR-SECRET-KEY>

ec2_region_name = <YOUR-REGION-NAME>
ec2_region_endpoint = <YOUR-REGION-ENDPOINT>

Run It!

$ python aws-snapshot.py


$ chmod +x aws-snapshot.py
$ ./aws-snapshot.py


A log file aws-snapshots.log will be generated if not already present, and will append events/errors to the same.