
Tiny tool to make Android app re-engineering 3rd party easier. This project provides remote logging functions for smali source code.

Primary LanguageSmali


Tiny tool to make Android app re-engineering 3rd party easier. This project provides remote logging functions for smali source code.


First of all, you have to decompile your Android app with APKTool. Note that if you want to debug an app out of your local network, the device has to access WAN network and you must control an appliance reachable over Internet.


  • Run installation script
	./install.sh "http://url.com[:port]/"

This script will generate your own logging smali class with the URL you specialize.

  • Put all smali files in "out" directory on the decompile root source directory
  • Inject smali method calls in the app source code (see section below for more details)
  • Recompile the app thanks to APKTool
  • Align and sign APK file
  • Install APK on your (virtual) device


The logger stores any variables and stack traces you add until you flush.


Smali code to add a string variable:

	const-string v0, "key"

	const-string v1, "value"

	invoke-static {v0, v1}, LRemoteLogger;->add(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V

For others types, see smali code in "RemoteLogger.java" comments.

Stack trace

Smali code to add a stack trace:

	invoke-static {}, LRemoteLogger;->addStackTrace()V


Smali code to send data to your server:

	invoke-static {}, LRemoteLogger;->flush()V


I've developed a sample server monitor for this logger, you can check it out here. Obviously, you're free to implement yours according to your needs.

When you call the flushing method, the class send a POST request to your server with all of your data in the body (JSON format). This is an example of output:

		"ts": 1487180887,
		"exec": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
		"r": 12,
		"vars": [{
			"key": "auth_token",
			"value": "ed735d55415bee976b771989be8f7005"
		}, {
			"key": "username",
			"value": "root"
		"stack": [
			"java.lang.Throwable ..."
  • "ts": Timestamp
  • "exec": Execution ID
  • "r": Request number (increment at each request)
  • "vars": All variables you logged
  • "stack": All stack traces you logged


If you have any question about the project, feel free to contact me on Twitter: @bla5r