
A-priori evaluation of some ergonomic keyboards

A-priori evaluation of some ergonomic keyboards.

I want to buy an ergonomic keyboard, and after some research I narrowed down the choice to 3 of them.

If everything else fail, fallback is TypeMatrix 2030

Here I list some selection criteria that came to my mind, and will use them to evaluate the three keyboards.


/ Price Comments
Model 01 330$ Everything included !
NISSE (L) 420$ Must find someone to get it from Japan
NISSE (M) 475$ Must find someone to get it from Japan
Ergodox 300$ Shipping & wrist rest included !

Thumb keys placement

/ Rank Comments
Model 01 *** Perfect arc, outer most key require some stretch. Palm thing may get in the way ?
NISSE *** Perfect arc, inner most key goes as deep as the ring finger, seems a bit strange.
Ergodox ** Too far from home pos, several rows. Peope say only two keys per thumb are usable.

Remarks: the model 01 thumbs are assigned by default to modifiers in addition to space and del, and since it has fewer keys it may be difficult to use the sides one instead.

Other keys placement

/ Rank Comments
Model 01 *** Seems perfect, tears of joy: the pinkie keys are lower: it is shorter than the others!
NISSE *** Seems very good, but the Enter and Tab keys are no bigger than the other, strange too.
Ergodox ** Seems OK

Keys & key caps

/ Count Comments
Model 01 64 Shape matches finger, texture looks very good
NISSE 76 Shape seems curvy enough, texture looks good but hard to say
Ergodox 76 Depends on where you get it / customizable?


The model 01 has a built-in mouse capability, using a modifier and left hand keys. It is difficult to find out if the palm key of the mode 01 is usable just by looking at pictures. The whole experience seems to depend on this.

The NISSE has a M size, which should make it require less stretch for a lot of combinations.

An ergodox can also be purchased from falbatech.pl, with full hand plate but NO TENTING.

Several shortcuts listed below require several modifiers, maybe using a sequence would help in using a keyboard with fewer keys. For example, like in 'Run unit tests': Ctrl+T, R.

The 'insert' key is mostly useless per se, but is useful for vim, mintty/zsh, and used in vital ReSharper shortcuts.

The NISSE can 'emulate' several common shortcuts with a FN+key shortcut (this idea can be reused with ergodox). The NISSE needs some firmware modifications: replace "CAPS LOCK" by "Ctx Menu", "Ctx Menu" by "Del"

Frequent keys shortcuts

TODO: record a day of work and write down frequency.

Non-letter keys, used extremely frequently (several of them each line)

Period, semi-colon, enter, shift (for capital letter) left parenthesis, comma, left brace, double quote, left bracket.

Non-letter keys, used frequently

Tab, Esc, math operators, $ ^ (for regex).

Non-letter keys or symbols that we can get rid of

CAPS LOCK (if still there, remap it) £ µ § ¤ ²

##General (and used often) These shortcuts are ubiquitous, so they should be easily accessible and mapping the command to another shortcut is not an option. Anything that appears in both Visual Studio and Notepad++ counts as ubiquitous.

Command Keyboard shortcut Comment
Copy Ctrl+C Ctrl+Any letter is an obvious one.
Paste Ctrl+V They are here as a reminder that Ctrl is used all the time.
Cut Ctrl+X
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
Find Ctrl+F
Save Ctrl+S
Find in Files Ctrl+Shift+F
Find Next F3
Find Next Selected Ctrl+F3
Goto Document Start Ctrl+Home
Goto Document End Ctrl+End
Delete word (left) Ctrl+Backspace
Delete word (right) Ctrl+Del
Extend world selection Ctrl+Shift+Arrow
Select to end of line Shift+End
Select to start of line Shift+Home
Select all Ctrl+A
Select rectangle Alt+Shift+Arrow
Show desktop Win+D
Run ... Win+R
Lock session Win+L
Switch application Alt+Tab
Switch tab Ctrl+Tab

##General (but used less often) These shortcuts are either , and should be easily accessible.

Command Keyboard shortcut Comment
Save All Ctrl+Shift+S
Find Previous Shift+F3
Find Previous Selected Ctrl+Shift+F3
Notepad++ Ctrl+Alt+N Not standard, can be changed
Q-Dir Ctrl+Alt+Q Not standard, can be changed
Change windows password Ctrl+Alt+Del Not used often, but must really work
Copy Ctrl+Ins (mintty, vim)
Paste Shift+Ins (mintty, vim)

##Visual Studio, ReSharper : ULTRA-VIOLENCE !

Command Keyboard shortcut
Build Solution Ctrl+Shift+B
Symbol code completion Ctrl+Space
Smart code completion Ctrl+Shift+Space
Import symbol completion Ctrl+Alt+Space
Quick-fixes Alt+Enter
Find usages Alt+F7
Go to last edit location Ctrl+Shift+Backspace
Go to everything Ctrl+N
Parameter info Ctrl+P
Cut line Ctrl+L
Go to file member Ctrl+F12
Generate code Alt+Ins

##Visual Studio, ReSharper : Hurt me plenty !

Command Keyboard shortcut
Delete line Ctrl+Shift+L
Comment Selection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C
Uncomment Selection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U
Incremental Search Ctrl+I
Complete statement Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Move stuff around Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Arrow
Go to previous usage Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Up
Go to next usage Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Down
Go to declaration Ctrl+B
Go to type of symbol Ctrl+Shift+T
Go to implementation Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B
Go to derived symbols Ctrl+Alt+B
Go to usage Ctrl+Alt+F7
Refactor this Ctrl+Shift+R
Rename F2 or Shift+R
Move type or member F6
Introduce field Ctrl+Alt+D
Change signature Ctrl+F6
Code Cleanup Ctrl+Alt+F
Properties Alt+Enter
Run unit tests Ctrl+T, R
Debug unit tests Ctrl+T, D
Start F5
Start Without Debugging Ctrl+F5
Stop Debugging Shift+F5
Set Breakpoint F9
Enable Breakpoint Ctrl+F9
Step Into F11
Step Out Shift+F11
Step Over F10
 Locals Ctrl+Alt+V, L
Autos Ctrl+Alt+V, A
Quick Watch Shift+F9
Breakpoints Ctrl+Alt+B
Call Stack Ctrl+Alt+C


Command Keyboard shortcut
Applications Ctrl+S
Quick links Ctrl+Q
Focus address bar Alt+S


Command Keyboard shortcut
Select tab Win+number
All the others Win+everything ...