
ASCII terminal hexagonal map roguelike written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust


Build Status Gitter Chat

Contributors welcome!

Rhex is looking for contributors. See Contributing page for details.


Simple ASCII terminal hexagonal map roguelike written in Rust Rust.

You can try the game without installing anything. Check rhex demo server instructions.

The core goal of the project:

  • ASCI/Unicode pure terminal UI first
  • hexagonal map with tactical positioning

It's also intendent to exercise and practice my Rust knowledge.

Previous iteration of this idea was/is: Rustyhex . This two project might merge into whole at some point.

Rhex is using hex2d-rs - Hexagonal grid map utillity library.


rhex v0.0.3 screenshot

Watch rhex gameplay video:



Game requires terminal with 256 colors support, and Unicode font.

git clone https://github.com/dpc/rhex.git
cd rhex
cargo run --release


The game is playable but not feature and gameplay wise complete.

rhex is actively seeking collaborators. If you'd like to practice your Rust or/and find roguelikes interesting ping @dpc on rhex gitter channel and we can get your started.

Report problems and ideas