
Repo for the SFK Chatbot Hubot adapters

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


SKF Logo


skfbot is a chat bot built on the [Hubot][hubot] framework. It was initially generated by [generator-hubot][generator-hubot], and configured to be deployed using Docker to get you up and running as quick as possible.

Where to Check:

You can check this bot on gitter.im in the following lobby:

Security-Knowledge-Framework/Lobby Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Security-Knowledge-Framework/Lobby

You can check this bot on Slack in the following lobby:

OWASP-SKF/Lobby Join the chat at https://owasp.slack.com/messages/C0F7L9X6V)

Gitter Setup

Login to Gitter ang visit this page to retrieve your API TOKEN http://developer.gitter.im/

After creation add the bot in the channel using the green Add button on the page

Now you are ready to build the bot, we use the SKF_API_HOST for telling the bot where the Chatbot API needs to be used from: docker build -f Docker/gitter/Dockerfile . -t skf-bot-gitter --build-arg HUBOT_NAME=bot --build-arg SKF_API_HOST=demo.securityknowledgeframework.org

Now you can run the chatbot with: docker run -e "HUBOT_GITTER2_TOKEN=xoxb-paste-your-token-here" -ti skf-bot-gitter

Slack Setup

Create a configuration in the Hubot Integration on Slack: From the below link click Install/Add to Slack, choose for the username: bot, and finish by clicking Add Hubot Integration. On the next page, you’ll see an API Token. Copy that value, it will be your Slack token.


After creation invite the hubot in the channel: /invite @bot

Now you are ready to build the bot, we use the SKF_API_HOST for telling the bot where the Chatbot API needs to be used from: docker build -f Docker/slack/Dockerfile . -t skf-bot-slack --build-arg HUBOT_NAME=bot --build-arg SKF_API_HOST=demo.securityknowledgeframework.org

Now you can run the chatbot with: docker run -e "HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-paste-your-token-here" -ti skf-bot-slack


Creator & Contributor of the SKF chatbot