The integration allows you to create tasks in Microsoft To Do from Home Assistant.
Pinned issues
- 2
Deprecation of homeassistant-microsoft-todo
#98 opened by black-roland - 1
YAML config check in developer tools goes into endless spinner when adding the integration to configuration.yaml
#97 opened by the-smart-home-maker - 2
- 0
Usage of deprecated save_json
#96 opened by Aviatorpaal - 1
Feature Request: Check off task when done
#93 opened by Largus72 - 8
Not all lists are being found
#16 opened by genem2 - 0
My Day?
#94 opened by totalitarian - 0
Can you help me get some of my articles into this readme? This will help more people use the plugin better.
#88 opened by xszx - 3
Is it required to have HTTPS?
#87 opened by reg98643t - 0
Server error 500: scope has changed
#86 opened by Michelli - 0
You can't sign in here with a personal account
#85 opened by unosakk - 1
No list with the name xxx.
#84 opened by genem2 - 3
2022.5. - CalendarEventDevice is deprecated
#79 opened by stroodle96 - 5
- 0
Keep the original order
#78 opened by vdbrink - 16
Server Error 500
#49 opened by potnot3 - 3
Can't Authenticate
#73 opened by balkonrad - 1
Server error
#74 opened by bernji - 0
Update the with the latest flow
#77 opened by vdbrink - 3
Screenshot how it looks like
#66 opened by vdbrink - 1
device_state_attributes error at startup
#69 opened by genem2 - 2
Error creating a task with due_date
#62 opened by genem2 - 2
Change time of sync
#65 opened by umutcelebi - 2
Display ToDos as list
#61 opened by Talvien - 0
- 8
Feature Request: Shared Lists / List Groups
#48 opened by jeronsanders - 3
No 'version' key in the manifest file
#54 opened by rasssta - 1
Failed request flooding
#57 opened by aetha - 3
Token refresh issue
#41 opened by genem2 - 5
No code returned from Microsoft Graph Auth API
#45 opened by snelu - 3
FR: Show todo tasks in a simple, sorted, list
#43 opened by rasssta - 1
Can't authenticate with MS graph API
#44 opened by BigValen - 6
- 3
To do plugin authentication token errors
#36 opened by gfcondeco - 1
Detected use of deprecated `base_url` property, use `` method instead
#34 opened by jaburges - 2
Feature Request: Additional hidden JSON
#31 opened by almostserious - 3
- 1
Error Handaling Request
#30 opened by Slittle82 - 4
Server Error 500 after Auth
#29 opened by jochke - 1
- 2
Installation with HACS custom repository way leads to a Platform error calendar.microsoft_todo - No module named 'emoji' 18:09:19 – (ERROR) after reboot of HASS
#27 opened by Grui - 5
Server Error 500 after Auth
#15 opened by genem2 - 0
Add to HACS default repositories
#25 opened by black-roland - 3
- 0
- 4
Use list_name without emojis
#13 opened by noxhirsch - 0
- 0
Unit tests
#12 opened by black-roland - 2
Request task list / taskfolders / ...
#11 opened by rexyiy - 0
Add notes support
#9 opened by black-roland