
Docker image for Alfresco Community Edition

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Table of Contents


Dockerfile to build an Alfresco container image.


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  • Send a Pull Request with your awesome new features and bug fixes
  • Report Issues


Pull the image from the docker index.

docker pull gui81/alfresco:latest

or pull a particular version:

docker pull gui81/alfresco:5.0.d-1

Alternatively, you can build the image yourself:

git clone https://github.com/gui81/docker-alfresco.git
cd docker-alfresco
docker build --tag="$USER/alfresco" .

Quick Start

Run the alfresco image with the name "alfresco".

docker run --name='alfresco' -it --rm -p 8080:8080 gui81/alfresco

NOTE: Please allow a few minutes for the application to start, especially if populating the database for the first time.

Go to http://localhost:8080/share or point to the ip of your docker server. On the Mac, if you are running docker-machine, then you can go to the ip reported by:

docker-machine ip [name of Docker VM]

The default username and password are:

  • username: admin
  • password: admin

Alfresco should now be up and running. The following is an example that would mount the appropriate volume, connect to a remote PostgreSQL database, and use an external LDAP server for authentication:

docker run --name='alfresco' -it --rm -p 445:445 -p 7070:7070 -p 8080:8080 \
    -v '/host/alfresco/content:/content' \
    -v '/host/alfresco/data:/alfresco/alf_data' \
    -e 'CONTENT_STORE=/content' \
    -e 'LDAP_ENABLED=true' \
    -e 'LDAP_AUTH_USERNAMEFORMAT=uid=%s,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com' \
    -e 'LDAP_URL=ldap://ipa.example.com:389' \
    -e 'LDAP_DEFAULT_ADMINS=admin' \
    -e 'LDAP_SECURITY_PRINCIPAL=uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com' \
    -e 'LDAP_GROUP_SEARCHBASE=cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com' \
    -e 'LDAP_USER_SEARCHBASE=cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com' \
    -e 'DB_KIND=postgresql' \
    -e 'DB_HOST=db_server.example.com' \
    -e 'DB_USERNAME=alfresco' \
    -e 'DB_PASSWORD=alfresco' \
    -e 'DB_NAME=alfresco' \

If you want to use this image in production, then please read on.



In production, you will want to make sure to specify and mount the CONTENT_STORE and /alfresco/alf_data directories to persist this data. Example:

  • /content
  • /alfresco/alf_data

Volumes can be mounted by passing the '-v' option to the docker run command. The following is an example:

docker run --name alfresco -it --rm -v /host/alfresco/content:/content -v /host/alfresco/data:/alfresco/alf_data


If the DB_HOST environment variable is not set, or set to localhost, then the image will use the internal PostgreSQL server.

PostgreSQL is the default, but MySQL/MariaDB is also supported. If you are using an existing database installation, then make sure to create the database and a user:



Below is the complete list of currently available parameters that can be set using environment variables.

  • ALFRESCO_HOSTNAME: hostname of the Alfresco server; default = localhost
  • ALFRESCO_PORT: port for afresco to listen to; default = 8080 if protocol is http or 8443 if protocol is https
  • ALFRESCO_PROTOCOL: protocol used by alfresco to generate links; default = http
  • AMP_DIR_ALFRESCO: directory containing AMP files (modules) for alfresco.war (bind mount as volume)
  • AMP_DIR_SHARE: directory containing AMP files (modules) for share.war (bind mount as volume)
  • CIFS_ENABLED: whether or not to enable CIFS; default = true
  • CIFS_SERVER_NAME: hostname of the CIFS server; default = localhost
  • CIFS_DOMAIN: domain of the CIFS server; default = WORKGROUP
  • CONTENT_STORE: where content is stored; default = /content
  • DB_CONN_PARAMS: database connection parameters; for MySQL, default = ?useSSL=false, otherwise empty
  • DB_HOST: host of the database server; default = localhost
  • DB_KIND: postgresql or mysql; default = postgresql
  • DB_NAME: name of the database to connect to; default = alfresco
  • DB_PASSWORD: password to use when connecting to the database; default = admin
  • DB_USERNAME: username to use when connecting to the database; default = alfresco
  • FTP_PORT: port of the database server; default = 5432
  • LDAP_ENABLED: whether or not to enable LDAP; default = false
  • LDAP_KIND: ldap (e.g. for OpenLDAP) or ldap-ad (Active Directory); default = ldap
  • LDAP_AUTH_USERNAMEFORMAT: default = uid=%s,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
  • LDAP_URL: URL of LDAP server; default = ldap://ldap.example.com:389
  • LDAP_DEFAULT_ADMINS: comma separated list of admin names in ldap; default = admin
  • LDAP_SECURITY_PRINCIPAL: default = uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
  • LDAP_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS: default = password
  • LDAP_GROUP_SEARCHBASE: default = cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
  • LDAP_USER_SEARCHBASE: default = cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
  • MAIL_HOST: hostname or IP where email should be sent; default = localhost
  • MAIL_PORT: default = 25
  • MAIL_USERNAME: username to connect to the smtp server
  • MAIL_PASSWORD: password to connect to the smtp server
  • MAIL_FROM_DEFAULT: what is in the from field; default = alfresco@alfresco.org
  • MAIL_PROTOCOL: smtp or smtps; default = smtp
  • MAIL_SMTP_AUTH: is authentication required or not; default = false
  • MAIL_SMTP_STARTTLS_ENABLE: use starttls or not; default = false
  • MAIL_SMTPS_AUTH: is authentication required or not; default = false
  • MAIL_SMTPS_STARTTLS_ENABLE: use starttls or not; default = false
  • NFS_ENABLED: whether or not to enable NFS; default = true
  • SHARE_HOSTNAME: hostname of the share server; default = localhost
  • SHARE_PORT: port for share to listen to; default = 8080 if protocol is http or 8443 if protocol is https
  • SHARE_PROTOCOL: protocol use by share to generate links; default = http
  • SYSTEM_SERVERMODE: the server running mode for you system; default = PRODUCTION
  • TOMCAT_CSRF_ENABLED: Disable the tomcat CSRF policy; default = false


TODO: I might be able to add some options that aid in upgrading. For now though, backup, backup, backup, and then follow this guide:
