= Tree hoper A little **bug** was walking trough the forest when __suddenly__ + he saw something very very bad. He didn't know what to do so **he** decided to ...
Since he didn’t know what to do, he just wrote lines. After all, that was the point, to write lines to complete the task we’d given him. No wacky stories or heroic characters, just lines in a file that may never be read, forgotten in the meanders of GitHub.
<<<<<<< HEAD But a guy wanted to read what the bug wrote. He decided to bring it to the magician of the village. It was a really hard work for the magician, he tried a lot of things but couldn’t read it. Then, he said "SUDOOOOOOO" and it worked.
As the creative bug he is he decied to do something about just being a part of a file that’s never to be read. He thought to himself how could I be more useful bug. all of a sudden like in a flash he was flooded with ideas as how to be more… like >>>>>>> 6f985fb21529887f516754eab76e2b7c77dc9a23