
IPTracerX is a command-line tool that fetches IP address details and shows locations on Google Maps from the terminal.

Primary LanguageShell


IPTracerX is a command-line tool designed to provide detailed information about IP addresses, including geographical location, city, region, and country. It also allows users to visualize IP locations on Google Maps directly from the terminal. Whether you're a network administrator, security expert, or just curious about IP details, IPTracerX delivers quick and accurate IP insights.


  • 🌍 Fetch Detailed Information: Get comprehensive details about any IP address.
  • πŸ†” Retrieve Your IP: Find information about your own public IP address.
  • πŸ“ Location Data: Displays city, region, country, latitude, and longitude.
  • πŸ—ΊοΈ Google Maps Integration: Option to view the IP location on Google Maps directly from the terminal.
  • πŸ–₯️ User-Friendly Interface: Simple menu system for easy navigation.
  • 🧹 Clear Screen: Option to clear the terminal screen.
  • ❓ Help Functionality: Provides guidance on using the script.



  • curl – For making API requests.
  • jq (optional) – For parsing JSON data. Can be replaced with other methods if not available.

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/blackXploit-404/IPTracerX.git
  2. Navigate to the Directory

    cd IPTracerX
  3. Make the Script Executable

    chmod +x trace.sh


Run the script using:


Menu Options

  1. Get Information for a Specific IP
    Enter any IP address to fetch and display its information.

  2. Get Information for Your Own IP
    Retrieve and display information about your current public IP address.

  3. Clear Screen
    Clears the terminal screen for a cleaner interface.

  4. Help
    Displays help information about the script and its features.

  5. Exit
    Exits the script.




IP Information Script
1. Get information for a specific IP
2. Get information for your own IP
3. Clear screen
4. Help
5. Exit
Choose an option [1-5]: 1
Enter the IP address: xx.xx.xx.xxx
Fetching information for IP: xx.xx.xx.xxx
City: SomeCity
Region: SomeRegion
Country: SomeCountry
Latitude: 12.3456
Longitude: 65.4321
Would you like to open this location in Google Maps? (y/n): y
Opening Google Maps for the location...


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository.
  2. Create a New Branch (git checkout -b feature/YourFeature).
  3. Make Your Changes and Commit Them (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/YourFeature).
  5. Create a New Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.


For any questions or suggestions, please open an issue or contact me directly at getsensurajit@gmail.com

Feel free to adapt or add any specific details or features relevant to your project!