- aiseei
- ask-build
- Atika-Syeda
- avishvjImperial College London
- avrabytDatabutton
- bingfengyirenSina company
- cafkah
- cheuerdeBayer
- co-bbyUniversity of Cape Coast
- Ehplodor
- ensemble-learningCalifornia Institute of Technology
- geschenkwald
- hewhocannotbetamed
- hulohot
- khatvangi
- liusok
- lyu3103
- Matthieu-Tinycoaching
- mayooear
- mephisto121
- minammar
- mrgalindo
- mtap-researchPusan National University
- Oredna
- Pepe-MarquezHumboldt University of Berlin
- phil-aid
- playgrdstarplaygrd
- RaintroutBay Area
- richstonerBay Area, CA
- SamCox822Future House
- smyja
- T-AbdelAlim
- tom832
- uakbrHouston
- usuyamaMicrosoft Research, Health Futures
- whiteadUniversity of Rochester/FutureHouse