SKY API Tutorial: Implicit Flow - Angular 2


This tutorial demonstrates the interaction of a client application using Angular 2 with the SKY API authorization service, using the implicit flow (or implicit grant).

Installing Locally

Basic Requirements:

  • Familiarity with git commands
  • The latest, stable version of Git
  • A server such as your local machine that is capable of running NodeJS

Sky API Requirements:

  • A Blackbaud Developer Subscription Key
    • If you have not already done so, be sure to complete the Getting started guide. This will guide you through the process of registering for a Blackbaud developer account and requesting a subscription to an API product.
    • Once approved, your subscription will contain a Primary Key and a Secondary Key. You can use either key as the subscription key value for the bb-api-subscription-key request header when making calls to the API.
    • You can view your subscription keys on your Blackbaud Developer Profile.
  • A Blackbaud Developer Application ID
  • A Blackbaud Developer Application Redirect URI
    • Specify one or more URIs that should be used when redirecting the user's browser back to your application after providing consent during the authorization process. The URIs must be absolute and use https (note that we do support http://localhost:port or for local development).

      For this tutorial, use http://localhost:8080/access_token/.

Step 1 — Clone the files

Open Terminal/Command Prompt and type:

$  git clone

Step 2 — Configure the app

Duplicate config.json-sample (located in the src/data/ folder) as config.json and fill in the missing values (all required).

`SkyApiSubscriptionKey` Your [SKY API (Blackbaud) developer subscription key]( (primary or secondary)
`SkyApiAppId` Your SKY API registered application's [Application ID](

Step 3 — Start the app

Type the following in Command Prompt/Terminal:

npm install
npm start

Visit http://localhost:8080/.