
Bug along AutoTools mod : Messes with the mod

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Minecraft Version/s




Modloader Version

Latest fabric.

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Describe the problem

When using Keep selected slot: OFF in Autotools, it will try to auto-refill the tools when AutoTools switches back your items.
So it ends up not switching back.

Steps to reproduce

Install IPM and AutoTools. Try Keep selected slot: OFF and Switch Back: ON. Along with auto-refill ON in IPM.

I have tried to reproduce the problem with only or without "Inventory Profiles Next" and its dependencies installed.

  • I have tested without 'Inventory Profiles Next' and its dependencies
  • I have tested with only 'Inventory Profiles Next' and its dependencies and no other mods

tbh this is better handled if auto tools uses the IPN API when IPN is present.

here is an example how to do that