many utils
utils <function> [option...]
where function is:
help - show this help
help <function> - show function help
delgaaps <folder> <file_list>
<folder> - path to the folder where the image was unpacked
<file_list> - a file with a list to remove gapps and more
For example:
delgaaps "/sdcard/Unpacker" "/sdcard/gappslist.txt"
sdat2img <transfer_list> <new_dat_file> <output_img_file>
Where <output_img_file> path to output img file, optionaly
writekey <image_file> <offset> <-fhb> <file_key_value>
-b backup
-f file key
-h hex value
cut <file> <offset> <offset or length> <cute_dir>
copy <file> <offset> <offset or length> <copy_dir>
insert <file> <offset> <insert_file>
foffset <file> <hexstring> [option...]
where option is:
-s <offset> - start offset (DEC or 0xHEX), negative value for offset from end of file
-l <length> - search region length (DEC or 0xHEX)
-n <num> - maximum number of offsets (DEC or 0xHEX)
-b <size> - size of buffer in KB (DEC or 0xHEX), default is 1024
-r - reverse search
-d - display offsets in decimal (default is hex)
-hu - display offsets in uppercase hex (only if -d option is not specified)
-hp - display offset 0x prefix for hex (only if -d option is not specified)
-hup - combination of -hu and -hp options
-o - display offsets in one string separated by space
-q - no statistic message
hexstring digit pairs that can be separated using:
space, period(.), comma(,), dash(-) or colon(:), e.g. 41.35:AA.55
hexpatch <file> <what_find in hex> <what_replace in hex> <way>
Where way as integer:
way = 0 - first find from begin file, by default
way = 1 - all finds in file
way = -1 - reverse first find, from end file
kerver <kernel file>
kernel file may be compressed to gzip
fstab_fix <directory1> <directory2> ...
fix RO to RW in fstab files
shared_block_detector <file>
detect shared_blocks in sparse ext4 and raw ext4 files
file_explorer [directory] [options] [filters]
Explore files and directories in the specified directory."
-d Show only directories, ignoring filters.
-f Show only files, applying filters.
By default, the following filters are applied to files: .img, .dat, .br, .list.
Additional filters can be specified after the directory path.
"Example: file_explorer /path/to/directory .txt .pdf