Connect Four Specification


Connect 4 is a 2 player The game is played with alternating turns between players. The player who starts the game is left to implementation. To play a player can choose one of the 7 columns to place their token onto. When a player places a token on a particular column it is placed on the last avaiable row in that column that is not already occupied by another token. Once a column is completely filled players can no longer place disk on that column.


  • Each player has a unique color for their token.
  • Player 1 has the color red for their token.
  • Player 2 has the color blue for their token.


  • A cell is usually a square that contains an empty circle slot.
  • A token is a circular disk that is either Red or Blue depending on the player playing.

Game Board

  • A Game Board consists of 6 rows and 7 columns of cells.

Win Condition

A player has won the game when one of the 3 conditions has been met:

  1. A player has 4 of their tokens in succession in a column of the game board.
  2. A player has 4 of their tokens in succession in a row of the game board.
  3. A player has 4 of their tokens in succession in a diagonal of the game board.


The game is considered tied when all cells in the board have been filled.

User Interface

  1. Show a title of the game Connect 4
  2. Show a empty board under the title
  3. Allow Clicking above a column to be the mechanism of placing a token.
  4. Disallow illegal moves, such as placing a token in a full column
  5. Stop allowing moves when the game is over.
  6. Display a Message to indicate the player who has won.