XSSRocket it is a tool designed for offensive security and XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks.
- 0xKayalaTechnoVal
- 128jku9j
- ajacobhackArgentina
- alexxx033
- AssassinUKG
- attacker-codeninja
- blackhatethicalhacking@blackhatethicalhacking
- blackpjotrZgh
- bormaxi8080Self Employed
- branderson0781
- bugsn1per
- Dantehq4kids
- dheerajydv19@osintambition
- ElNiakUCLouvain
- EvaderFatiNational University of Singapore
- Ferbie10
- forsun23NONE
- grenierdevQuébec
- hartl3y94Hartley94
- himori123Luanda/Angola
- itstarsecFPT Telecom
- ladyleet1337Hyderabad
- lilbishiemessin around
- lipedjowBelo Horizonte / Brasil
- madasee
- necrose99Lonewolf Information Systems Services
- Python0xc2
- rascal999UK
- rppaint46
- SachinartAccenture
- ScriptIdiotHong Kong
- shadowdevnotrealUSA
- SubediBibek-cmd
- thaxdevil
- verywitted
- vishnummvBangalore