

Primary LanguageVimL

Fixkey - fixes key codes for console Vim

Fixkey helps Vim use the non-ASCII keys of a terminal emulator, permitting mapping of several classes of characters, including:

  • Alt-lowercase letters (<M-a> - <M-z>).
  • Alt-uppercase letters (<M-A> - <M-Z>), except <M-O> due to keycode ambiguity).
  • Function keys with no modifiers or combinations of shift, control, and alt: <F1> - <F12>, <S-F1> - <S-F12>, ..., <M-C-S-F1> - <M-C-S-F12>. Note not all combination of terminal and environment send all of these.
  • Arrow keys with no modifiers or combinations of shift, control, and alt: <Up>, <Down>, <Left>, <Right>, <S-Up>, <S-Down>, <S-Left>, <S-Right>, ..., <M-C-S-Up>, <M-C-S-Down>, <M-C-S-Left>, <M-C-S-Right>.
  • Home and End keys with no modifiers or combinations of shift, control, and alt: <Home>, <End>, <S-Home>, <S-End>, ..., <M-C-S-Home>, <M-C-S-End>.
  • <S-Enter> (few terminals).
  • <M-Enter> (not all terminals).

Now, console Vim users can map keys like Gvim users, e.g.:

" Map Alt-q to re-wrap a paragraph.
:nnoremap <M-q> gqap

See documentation in doc/fixkey.txt for installation instructions and terminal setup.

Developed by Michael Henry (vim at drmikehenry.com).

Distributed under Vim's license.

Git repository: https://github.com/drmikehenry/vim-fixkey