Compute Withings week's average weight.
- Withings does not expose week's average weight (neither through the app or the web ui, only weekly summary was doing so, but it's not sent anymore)
- I had a limited time (1-3 days + nights), so no:
- tests
- good code organization
- strong types
- design
- structured logs
- proper account management
- i18n (weeks from Monday to Sunday, kilograms as unit)
- corner cases management (only the first weight of the day is taken)
- Feel free to contribute
nix build '.#packages.x86_64-linux.withings-weights-image'
docker load -i result
Create an application on Withings Developer Dashboard and source the values in your environment variables to run the container:
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/store -p 8000:80 -e OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL -e OAUTH_CLIENT_ID -e OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET ghcr.io/blackheaven/withings-weights:latest