
A python script to auto-generate STIX content from Cuckoo's reports stored in Mongodb


pymongo stix libtaxii

Code was tested on Python 2.7 with pymongo 2.6.3, stix, libtaxii 1.1.101.

Layout: app.conf - Application configuration settings. - Generates STIX content from Mongodb.

fHostNames.txt - Input file - Whitelist of host names for suppression, one item per line, can be an empty file. Supports regex for whitelisting domains. .*

fIpv4Addresses.txt - Input file - Whitelist of IP addresses for suppression, one item per line, can be an empty file. Now supports CIDR blocks and IP ranges. [] or [ ...]

fSeenEntries.txt - Previously generated items, written by, and read in subsequent runs so that duplicate items are not generated. - Logger

logs/ - default logs directory

output/ - default output directory - Sample script to upload TAXII content for a given STIX document

Usage Examples: Generate STIX for a Cuckoo job id 5555: $ ./ --job-id 5555

Generate STIX from a hash (MD5,SHA1,SHA256,SHA512) $ ./ --sha1 92c8a60fe8707c4a5340fb49132878334369aa6d

Generate STIX for all current Cuckoo reports: $ ./

Upload a STIX doc: $ ./ --content-file output/2014-05-14_154234-43e0a2f16464e9dc1922fb8bba7a2750be4bb149.stix.xml