
all code dealing with the database for this application environment

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

Lucid Chart View Link: https://www.lucidchart.com/invitations/accept/f440a61d-c4b1-4da7-817d-2e89128097d5


  • Tables
    • Sites is no longer a table of its own (as requested by Algozzine)
      • Please see the new ER diagram
  • Documentation
    • Authors for each view/stored procedure
    • Wiki page organization
    • Information on how to contribute to stored procedures
  • Stored Procedure
    • Better testing methods
    • For registering any Participant information we will now require the participant ID. This is due to the fact that the CPCA has no way to uniquely identify a participant. Thus, we need to prompt the employees to specify which participant they are referring to if there are multiple people with the same information. [No workaround given the structure of their paperwork]

NOTE: We have uploaded all the create table statements. Please take some time and review the database. Raise an issue if you see something you think is wrong or see something we're are missing. Additionally, the issues can be questions as well. We have also uploaded a PDF of documentation to go with our database so far. This is just a start and we will expanded it as the database grows. We are currently working on views and storage procedures. Once we complete that we will add some basic sample data and we'll be done. See you in 12 hours, give or take a few.........days ;).