RPThreadTracker Docker Development Environment

This project consolidates all projects associated with RPThreadTracker into a single development environment orchestrated with Docker and docker-compose.

The following RPThreadTracker services are

Setup steps:

  • Install Docker and docker-compose if you have not already done so
  • Clone the git repository to your local computer and run
git checkout development
git pull
git submodule update --recursive --remote

This will bring all your submodules up to date with the latest copy of their development branch. You will want to do this every time you begin work on a feature.

  • Generate a set of Tumblr OAuth credentials.
    • First, register your application here.
    • Use the consumer key and consumer secret you just generated to generate an OAuth token and OAuth secret associated with your Tumblr account using the form here.
    • Duplicate the file at ./RPThreadTracker.BackEnd.TumblrClient/RPThreadTrackerV3.BackEnd.TumblrClient/appsettings.secure.example.json and name it appsettings.secure.json, and update this new file with the consumer key, consumer secret, OAuth token, and OAuth secret that you just generated.
  • On the command line, run
docker-compose build