Http Cache Playground

  • setup a BE application with proxy server to help study the caching behaviour in each of the layers
  • setup a nginx as proxy cache server to study caching in proxy (unfortunately nginx do not rewrite max-age offset based on the remainding cache age on a cache hit)

Playground setup

Github Page (link)

To test different kind of cache header

  • [localhost:8888|spa(vue)] -> [localhost:8080|proxy-with-cache(nginx)] -> [localhost:8888|BE-API(node)]

To test external resource (use the proxy API)

  • [localhost:8888|spa(vue)] -> [localhost:8080|proxy-with-cache(nginx)] -> [localhost:8888|BE-Proxy(node)] -> Your Resource
  • E.g. http://localhost:8888/api/proxy/


  • vary header is an important attribute when the resource response are derrived by the headers from the request
  • without specifying those headers as Vary, both browser and proxy cache will not take the header value as part of the cache identifier
  • Example shown in this playground is the Accept-Language Header.
  • Without the Vary: Accept-Language header, both browser can proxy cache will threat any following requests as cache hit even with different Accept-Language request. Resulting in wrong payload returned

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