
Explore the oidc implicit and authorization code PKCE flow with custom ui using ngrx as state management

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Actions Status


Single Page Application type of OIDC flow (Public Client with Auth Code PKCE) with OKTA as IdP, uses oidc-client-ts

Hosted environment


  • multiple auth profiles for different IdP testings
  • Support custom login page instead of IdP login page (OKTA only)
  • Support Federated Identity login (OKTA and Keycloak) [idp for okta, idp_hint for keycloak]
  • Support generic oidc auth code grant with PKCE flow

Can refer to the medium page for the detail setup of a federated idp from OKTA (link)

Additional Details

Public client with Implicit grant

  async signInRedirectImplicit(sessionToken: string) {
    const params = {
      responseType: ['id_token', 'token'],
      sessionToken, // session token is required to pass during the auth service, if not it will call okta
    await this.authService.loginRedirect(undefined, params);

Public client with Auth Code PKCE

  async signInRedirectPKCEAuthCode(sessionToken: string) {
    const params = {
      responseType: ['code'],
      sessionToken, // session token is required to pass during the auth service, if not it will call okta
      pkce: true
    await this.authService.loginRedirect(undefined, params);

On authorization URL

  • code_challenge: znenlxKPjR5jJ2_f5QqyoG6fc1Z8JoOzEHhPCw1JMbg
  • code_challenge_method: S256

On token URL with access token grant

  • code_verifier: 8a5aa15cf688a1613cf031356f16f72ec90f6f7c6d4


  • S256 = SHA256
  • code_challenge = Base64(code_challenge_method(code_verifier)), where code_verifier is random generated