An AngularJS module that provides a resource-generation service similar to ngResource, but optimized for the Django REST Framework. The biggest features:
- Trailing slashes allowed in the resource URLs per the Django community norm.
- The
methods likequery
allow for paginated responses. The pages will be streamed into the promise object.
Download angular-django-rest-resource.js and put it in your project. You may also do it the bower way:
bower install angular-django-rest-resource
Do this somewhere in your application HTML:
<script src="angular-django-rest-resource.js"></script>
Add this AngularJS module as a dependency to your AngularJS application:
angular.module('app', [..., 'djangoRESTResources']);
(where 'app' is whatever you've named your AngularJS application).
In your controllers and anything that needs to interact with the Django REST Framework services, inject the djResource
service. Then you can create class-like objects that represent (and interact with) your Django REST Framework resources:
var Poll = djResource('/polls/:pollId/', {pollId:'@id'});
var myPoll = Poll.get({pollId:86}, function() {
myPoll.readByUser = true;
For complete API, consider the documentation for $resource, as this module follows the API quite closely.
Launching The Testing and Demonstration App
This is a work in progress, but it gives some hints on usage in a real world scenario.
Create a Python virtualenv.
Install the dependencies:
cd test pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up the database and fixtures (if first time use).
python syncdb
Run the server:
python runserver
Point web browser to