
Kotlin Shopify App authentication

Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin Latest: 0.1.0 CodeFactor License: Apache License 2.0 CodeFactor

#Kotlin-Shopify Authentication

Simple Straightforward Authentication Library for Shopify Application Setup in Kotlin


  1. Application Authentication
  2. Webhook Integration
  3. Webhook Incoming request validation
  4. Planned multiplatform


Gradle DSL:




1. Declare Your Shopify Authentication Context

val SHOPIFY_CONTEXT =  authenticationSetup {
    apiKey = "your_app_key"
    apiSecret = "your_app_api_secret_key"
    host = "your_server_host_url"
    scopes = listOf( // declare your access scopes here
    accessType="offline" // declare you access whether online or offline

2. Declare Your Webhook Context

val WEBHOOK_SETUP = webhookInstallationSetup(SHOPIFY_CONTEXT) {
    topics = listOf(

3. Set up your Authentication Server and Callback endpoints

a.) authenticateInstall(callingURL: String)

validates incoming request from shopify and exposes a callback function that determines whether the request is valid.

  • isValid flag wether the call is valid
  • redirect should be returned if the call is valid

b.) onInstallRedirect(callingURL: String)

validates incoming request from shopify on app install, determines whether the request is valid.

  • isValid
  • the redirect should be returned if the call is valid or override redirect url

c.) registerHooks(shopAccessToken: String, shopDomain: String)

register all webhook topics declared in Webhook Setup

4. Create Webhook Endpoint

a.) note that when a webhook is created, it will register the endpoint to the following format to shopify {your url HOST}/api/webhook/{webhook_topic} so you must CAREFULLY match your endpoint to the latter format

b.) ShopifyAuthUtils.validateWebhookCall(payload: String, apiSecret: String, hmac: String)

validates whether the incoming webhook call actually came from shopify

For example we are using ktor as server

routing {
    get("/") {
        SHOPIFY_CONTEXT.authenticateInstall(call.request.uri) { isValid, redirect ->
            when {
                isValid -> call.respondRedirect(redirect!!)
                else -> call.response.status(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)

    get("/auth/callback") {
        val response = SHOPIFY_CONTEXT.onInstallRedirect(call.request.uri) {
                isAuthenticated, redirect ->
            when {
                isAuthenticated -> call.respondRedirect(redirect!!)
                else -> call.response.status(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
        when (response.code) {
            ResponseStatus.SUCCESS -> {
                response.data?.run { WEBHOOK_SETUP.registerHooks(access_token, shop) }
            else -> {

    post("/api/webhook/carts/create") {
        val hmac  = call.request.headers["x-shopify-hmac-sha256"]
        val payload = call.receiveText()
        val validated = ShopifyAuthUtils.validateWebhookCall(payload, SHOPIFY_CONTEXT.apiSecret, hmac!!)
        when {
            validated -> {
                println("validated carts/create api call")
            else -> {
                println("invalidated carts/create api call")