
Data Science in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

Data Science Project in Kotlin

  • Mutli Linear Regression
  • Simple Linear Regression

Libraries Used


  • Idiomatic Categorization
  • Annotation Categorization

Usage: a. Idiomatic Appraoch

  1. create data class
  2. parse csv file with data class
  3. categorized using extension function
  4. create category keys
  5. create array of doublearray(matrix equation) for independent variables
  6. create array of double for independent variables
  7. feed arrays to OLSML

b. Class Annotation

  1. create a data class
  2. extend data class with ScientificData class
  3. mark class property with annotation
  4. parse csv file with data class
  5. categorize and create keys by instantiating and initializing CategoryKey
  6. retrieve category keys, and dependent, indepedent array of: doubles, array of doubles
  7. feed arrays to OLSML

c. Annoations

  1. @Category

    • identifies that the property is a category variable
  2. @Dependent

    • mark the property as dependent variable
    • make sure that there is only one dependent variable annotated

Creating ScientificData class

data class Company(
    val rnd: Double?,
    val admin: Double?,
    val marketing: Double?,
    val state: String?,
    val profit: Double?,
    val tech: String?
): ScientificData()

Parsing data to ScientificData class from resource Folder

    val data = dataClassFromCsv<Company>("/Company.csv").toList()

using idiomatic approach

    //-- Multi linear regression without ScientificData class and annotation
    val category1 = CategoryKeys(data)
        .addCategory(key ="state", cat = {it.state!!} )
    // categorizing data sets
    val categorizedData = data.categorized(
        category = {
            categorizeByVariable { map ->
                map["state"] = it.state!!
        numeric = {
            doubleArrayOf(it.rnd!!, it.admin!!, it.marketing!!)

    //-- creating array of array of doubles
    val doubleEQ = DoubleEQ(category1.mappedKeys)
    val xD = doubleEQ.createEQ(categorizedData) // independent
    val yD = data.mapNotNull { it.profit }.toDoubleArray() // dependent
    //-- solving multi linear regression
    val olsml = OLSML(yD, xD)
    val summary = olsml.summary()

using class annotation

    //-- categorizing data sets
    val category2 = CategoryKeys(data).initCategoryData()

    //-- creating array of array of doubles
    val doubleEQ2 = DoubleEQ(category2.getCategoryKeys())

    //-- resulting array, array of doubles are arranged alphabetically according to data class property name
    val xW = doubleEQ2.createEQ(category2.getCategorizedData())
    val yW = category2.getDependentValues()

    val olsml = OLSML(yW, xW)
    val summary = olsml.summary()

removing columns from double array eg. backward elimination approach

    val matProcessed = create(arrayDoubleArray)
    val removedCol = matProcessed.removeColumns(1,0,3)
    val arrayVal = removedCol.to2DArray()