
discord voice bot to stream radio

Primary LanguagePython

Radio-Id Bot (Discord Voice Bot)

Radio-id-bot (Radio Indonesia) is a simple Discord Music Bot built with discord.py to play a radio from some Indonesian radio-station

Discord Bots

Getting Started

Invite this bot to your server with this link 🔗


Note: The default prefix is !radio

  • !radio help List all available commands

  • !radio ping Check bot discord latency

  • !radio join <channel-name> Join to desired channel, if empty default to Author voice channel

  • !radio list List all available radio stations

  • !radio play <radio-station> Join/move to author voice channel and start playing the radio

  • !radio stop Stop the radio

  • !radio leave Leave voice channel

  • !radio about About this bot

  • !radio lyrics <song-name> Get lyrics based on provided query, lyrics provided by ksoft.si


Prerequisite to run/host this bot:

Example how to run

on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install ffmpeg
virtualenv -p python3.6 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Rename .env.example to .env and update with your credentials
Rename stations.yaml.example to stations.yaml and store your radio stations list there
Set up dev env variable

export ENVIRONMENT=dev

Run the python

python main.py
