
Primary LanguageTypeScript

APC Technical assignment

❗ Setting up the environment

Follow the guide here in the Installing dependencies section to have all React Native dependencies installed. Make sure to select React Native CLI Quickstart and then the required development OS and target OS.

🚀 Installation

Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/blackneck/apc-test.git
cd apc-test

Install node modules


[iOS] Install Pods

npx pod-install

👨‍💻 Running the app

[iOS] using Xcode

Open apc-test/ios/apcTest.xcworkspace file in Xcode. Select the device you want to run the app on and press the 'Run' button ▶️

[Android] using Android Studio

Open apc-test/android directory in Android Studio. Select the device you want to run the app on and press the 'Run' button ▶️

Optionally using command line

Start the Metro bundler and launch the app using the default simulator or emulator:


npx react-native run-ios


yarn ios


npx react-native run-android


yarn android

👩‍🔬 Testing

Run tests

yarn test