
A Windows console tool that uses parsec-vdd to switch to a virtual display.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Table of Contents


Introduction about vddswitcher

A "just work" VDD program for Sunshine streaming.

Main features:

  • Create a virtual display when streaming starts.

  • Automatically set the resolution of the virtual display based on the resolution set by the Moonlight client (if supported).

  • Close the virtual display when streaming ends.

How to use

Make sure you have installed the following drivers

Place vddswitcher.exe and vddswitcherd.exe in your preferred location.

For first-time use, you need to configure the virtual desktop as the main display:

Right-click the Windows icon - Run - Enter cmd In the opened cmd window, type

cmd /C "your_path_to_vddswitcherd.exe" -x "your_main_display_pixel_width" -y "your_main_display_pixel_height" -r "your_main_display_refresh_rate"

This will create a virtual display with the same resolution as your main display.

Go to the display configuration page, select the created virtual display, and check the option to set it as the main display. (Note: This operation will make your desktop look strange, but everything can be restored.)

If you find that your mouse is missing and some windows have moved to the virtual display, it’s usually easier to just restart your computer.

After restarting the computer, you will find that the virtual display has disappeared.

Open Sunshine and go to Configuration - General.

In the Do Command field, enter cmd /C "path_to_vddswitcherd.exe" -x %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH% -y %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT% -r %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_FPS%

For example:

cmd /C "D:\game\utils\vddswitcher\vddswitcherd.exe" -x %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH% -y %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT% -r %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_FPS%

In the Undo Command field, enter cmd /C "path to vddswitcher.exe"

For example:

cmd /C "D:\game\utils\vddswitcher\vddswitcher.exe"

Save and submit, then wait for a restart. Use Moonlight to access the desktop.

Go to the Monitor Configuration page and disable monitors other than the virtual monitor to save energy.

Supported resolution

Resolution Common name Aspect ratio Refresh rates (Hz)
4096 x 2160 DCI 4K 1.90:1 (256:135) 24/30/60/144/240
3840 x 2160 4K UHD 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
3840 x 1600 UltraWide 24:10 24/30/60/144/240
3840 x 1080 UltraWide 32:9 (2x 16:9 FHD) 24/30/60/144/240
3440 x 1440 21.5:9 (43:18) 24/30/60/144/240
3240 x 2160 3:2 60
3200 x 1800 3K 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
3000 x 2000 3:2 60
2880 x 1800 2.8K 16:10 60
2880 x 1620 2.8K 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
2736 x 1824 60
2560 x 1600 2K 16:10 24/30/60/144/240
2560 x 1440 2K 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
2560 x 1080 UltraWide 21:9 24/30/60/144/240
2496 x 1664 60
2256 x 1504 60
2048 x 1152 60/144/240
1920 x 1200 FHD 16:10 60/144/240
1920 x 1080 FHD 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
1800 x 1200 FHD 3:2 60
1680 x 1050 HD+ 16:10 60/144/240
1600 x 1200 HD+ 4:3 24/30/60/144/240
1600 x 900 HD+ 16:9 60/144/240
1440 x 900 HD 16:10 60/144/240
1366 x 768 60/144/240
1280 x 800 HD 16:10 60/144/240
1280 x 720 HD 16:9 60/144/240

Customize Resolution

Parsec official website custom resolution

The current version supports 5 custom resolutions.


一个 just work 的用于 sunshine 串流的 vdd 程序。


  • 开始串流时创建虚拟显示器

  • 自动根据 moonlight 客户端设置的分辨率设置虚拟显示器的分辨率(如果支持的话)

  • 结束串流时关闭虚拟显示器



vddswitcher.exevddswitcherd.exe 放到你喜欢的位置


右键开始图标 - 运行 - 输入 cmd 在打开的 cmd 窗口中输入

cmd /C "vddswitcherd.exe的路径" -x "你的主显示器像素宽度" -y "你的主显示器像素高度" -r "你的主显示器刷新率"





打开 sunshine 转到 Configuration - General

最下方 Do Command 栏填入 cmd /C "vddswitcherd.exe的路径" -x %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH% -y %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT% -r %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_FPS%


cmd /C "D:\game\utils\vddswitcher\vddswitcherd.exe" -x %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH% -y %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT% -r %SUNSHINE_CLIENT_FPS%

Undo Command 栏填入 cmd /C "vddswitcher.exe的路径"


cmd /C "D:\game\utils\vddswitcher\vddswitcher.exe"

保存并提交,等待重启后,使用 moonlight 进入桌面。



Resolution Common name Aspect ratio Refresh rates (Hz)
4096 x 2160 DCI 4K 1.90:1 (256:135) 24/30/60/144/240
3840 x 2160 4K UHD 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
3840 x 1600 UltraWide 24:10 24/30/60/144/240
3840 x 1080 UltraWide 32:9 (2x 16:9 FHD) 24/30/60/144/240
3440 x 1440 21.5:9 (43:18) 24/30/60/144/240
3240 x 2160 3:2 60
3200 x 1800 3K 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
3000 x 2000 3:2 60
2880 x 1800 2.8K 16:10 60
2880 x 1620 2.8K 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
2736 x 1824 60
2560 x 1600 2K 16:10 24/30/60/144/240
2560 x 1440 2K 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
2560 x 1080 UltraWide 21:9 24/30/60/144/240
2496 x 1664 60
2256 x 1504 60
2048 x 1152 60/144/240
1920 x 1200 FHD 16:10 60/144/240
1920 x 1080 FHD 16:9 24/30/60/144/240
1800 x 1200 FHD 3:2 60
1680 x 1050 HD+ 16:10 60/144/240
1600 x 1200 HD+ 4:3 24/30/60/144/240
1600 x 900 HD+ 16:9 60/144/240
1440 x 900 HD 16:10 60/144/240
1366 x 768 60/144/240
1280 x 800 HD 16:10 60/144/240
1280 x 720 HD 16:9 60/144/240


