
React + MobX Birdstore (Hooks) - Demo App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Birds Store

A demo app made on the top of React Hooks and MobX Hooks.

How to?

  1. Clone this Repository.
  2. npm i -D to install required dependencies.
  3. npm run start to start server.
  4. Profit.

So what! Where can I test?

Here: Online Demo is hosted on Netlify.

Used in Demo App:

  1. React: https://reactjs.org
  2. MobX: https://mobx.js.org/
  3. React-Bootstrap: https://react-bootstrap.github.io/
  4. Flow: https://flow.org/


  1. React App Rewired: https://github.com/timarney/react-app-rewired
  2. Customize CRA: https://github.com/arackaf/customize-cra